Citation - Virginia Gazette-Williamsburg (Hu): 1752.04.30

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Index Entry Dance, jig, in dream narrative, figures described 
Location Williamsburg 
30 Apr 1752:22, 31 (70)
Remarks on the Virginia Pindar continued.  Our author has
display'd his talents in descriptions as much as any thing. 
Some very curious ones I shall now select, in which the
ready may observe true poetical painting.
  A description of God, summoning his whole creation, to
defend his rights, by destroying our author. . . [8 line
verse quoted, 2 lines text]
  A description of a jig danc'd by a company of ideas in our
author's head.
  While one idea dances in my brain, 
  Another rising drives it out again.
  I loose the pleasures of conceptions past:
  The gain is lost, but studious labours last.
  So while on sand a man his foot-steps guides, 
  One foot makes way, the other backward slides. (p. 21)
. . . [1/2 column of descriptions]
  A description of the devil carried to heaven by force, and
a Jubilee celebrated on the occasion, (by the order of what
Pope is not mentioned.) . . . [1 1/2 columns, heavenly
music, harps, universe joining in harmony]

Generic Title Virginia Gazette-Williamsburg (Hu) 
Date 1752.04.30 
Publisher Hunter, William 
City, State Williamsburg, VA 
Year 1752 
Bibliography B0048175
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