Citation - Virginia Gazette-Williamsburg (D&N): 1779.08.21

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Index Entry Drummer, in St Vincent, as messenger to French, requested return 
Location St Vincent 
21 Aug 1779:11 (28)
From the Antigua Mercury, July 3, 1779.
Articles of Capitulation between Le Chevalier de Forlong du
Romain. . . and his Excellency Valentine Morris . . .
Governour in Chief, in and over his Majesty's island of St.
Vincent. . .
Article 1.  Governour Morris demands, in the first place,
that the officer and drummer sent by him yesterday to the
commander of the French troops be restored to him . . . [3
lines]. granted.
2d.  The Governour and staff officer, officers of the troops
and soldiers, to march out with their colours flying, drums
beating. . .  [15 lines, 2 articles]
5th. The inhabitants of the island shall march out of their
posts with the honours of war, their baggage, arms and
colours, drums beating and lighted matches. . . [articles go
on for 1 3/4 more columns, to 36 items plus two references.]

Generic Title Virginia Gazette-Williamsburg (D&N) 
Date 1779.08.21 
Publisher Dixon, John and Thomas Nicolson 
City, State Williamsburg, VA 
Year 1779 
Bibliography B0048073
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