Citation - Virginia Gazette-Richmond (Hayes): 1783.09.13

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Index Entry Fiddle, played by runaway Negro named Moses 
Location Alexandria 
13 Sep 1783:33 (1/91)
Ten Dollars Reward.  Ran away from the subscriber, on the
31st ult. a Negro fellow named Moses, about five feet five
or six inches high, and well proportioned, about 35 years of
age. . . [4 lines describes clothing]  Moses has a small
turn for music, plays indifferently on the fiddle. [11 more
lines, accomplishments and other identifying characteristics
and terms of return.] [signed] Henry Lyles.  Alexandria,
Sept. 6, 1783.

Generic Title Virginia Gazette-Richmond (Hayes) 
Date 1783.09.13 
Publisher Hayes, James 
City, State Richmond, VA 
Year 1783 
Bibliography B0047966
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