Citation - Virginia Gazette-Richmond (Hayes): 1783.07.19

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Index Entry 4th of July, in Philadelphia, details of celebration, procession with music 
Location Philadelphia 
19 Jul 1783:22, 23, 31 (1/83)
Philadelphia, July 3. [163 lines unrelated news plus 12
lines reporting gathering of president, council, magistracy,
and army and militia officers to observe anniversary of
independence.]  In the afternoon the president gave an
elegant entertainment to the honorable the council, all the
field officers in the city and neighborhood, and several
officers of the army.  In the evening the city was
entertained with Mr. Mason's triumphal car, in which was a
portrait of General Washington, and those of Count
Rochambeau, and General Gates.  The car was preceded by
music, and a number of boys and girls, dressed in white,
carrying torches.  In short, it was a day of joy and
pleasure to every lover of American independence.

Generic Title Virginia Gazette-Richmond (Hayes) 
Date 1783.07.19 
Publisher Hayes, James 
City, State Richmond, VA 
Year 1783 
Bibliography B0047959
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