Citation - Virginia Gazette-Richmond (Hayes): 1783.05.24

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Index Entry Fiddle, taken by runaway Negro named Jacob 
Location Blandford 
24 May 1783:32 (1/75)
Ran away form the subscriber, near Blandford, in Prince
George County, the 21st of April, a likely Negro man named
Jacob; he had on when he went away, a lighthorseman's cap
with white hairs, a Virginia cloth jacket and breeches, dyed
black, a striped copperas under jacket with white backs, a
Virginia cloth coat filled in with white cotton and blue
wool mixed, and a pair of boot legs; he carried with him a
fiddle, a fife, and a set of shoemakers tools, and can make
shoes, or turn his hand to any thing; he has a scar on his
leg occasioned by fire when he was young, and speaks
inwardly and hoarse.  He went away with a white woman named
Pat Channeller, who has a remarkable fore leg. I imagine
they will both change their names, and make to the lower
part of the country.  Whoever brings the said Negro to me,
or confines him so that I get him, shall have ten dollars
reward. [signed] Anthony Williams.

Generic Title Virginia Gazette-Richmond (Hayes) 
Date 1783.05.24 
Publisher Hayes, James 
City, State Richmond, VA 
Year 1783 
Bibliography B0047952
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