Citation - Virginia Gazette-Richmond (Hayes): 1782.10.19

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Index Entry Baker, Leonard, owner of runaway Negro named Lucas, William who plays fiddle 
Location King George 
19 Oct 1782:11 (1/44) 
A young likely Negro man came to my plantation in King
George, in July last; he calls himself William Lucas, and
says that he was with the French army at Falmouth in their
march to the northward, and got separated from them by
accident; he says he belongs to Leonard Baker.  The said
slave is about five feet seven or eight inches high, has
with him some shoemakers tools and professes himself a
shoemaker; he is very well made, active, dances well and
plays on the fiddle, has remarkable bad teeth.  Leonard
Baker (if there is such a man which I very much doubt) is
desired to prove his property, pay charges and take him
away. October 8, 1782. [signed] Gerard Hooe.

Generic Title Virginia Gazette-Richmond (Hayes) 
Date 1782.10.19 
Publisher Hayes, James 
City, State Richmond, VA 
Year 1782 
Bibliography B0047921
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