Citation - Virginia Gazette-Norfolk (Duncan): 1775.08.16

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Index Entry Fifer, Main, Alexander, in Gosport volunteer company, wore hunting shirt 
Location Gosport 
16 Aug 1775:32 (63)
On Friday evening last, a number of people assembled and
took into possession, Mr. John Schaw merchant of this place,
being highly incensed against him, for advising the soldiery
at Gosport in presence of -------, to apprehend the Fifer of
one of the volunteer companies of this borough, only for
appearing before them with a hunting shirt on, as it was
proved and published by the Committee.  The populace were
parading him into town to the tune of Yankey Doodle, as
played by the Fifer he had caused to be apprehended, . . .
[23 lines on demonstrations]

Generic Title Virginia Gazette-Norfolk (Duncan) 
Date 1775.08.16 
Publisher Holt, John H., & Co. 
City, State Norfolk, VA 
Year 1775 
Bibliography B0047820
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