Citation - Virginia Gazette-Norfolk (Duncan): 1775.06.15

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Index Entry Drum, in Lexington, beat to call militia together, in depositions 
Location Lexington 
15 Jun 1775:22, 23 (54)
Philadelphia, May 24.  Affidavits and Depositions,
Transmitted to the Congress, and published by their Order.
. . . [Reports of the battle at Lexington, on 19 April 1775,
by several witnesses]
We Nathaniel Parkhurst, Jonas Parker, . . . do testify and
say, . . . we met on the parade of our company in this town;
after the company had collected, we were ordered by Capt.
John Parker, . . . to disperse, for the present, and to be
ready to attend the beat of the drum, and accordingly the
company went into houses near the place of parade. We
further testify and say, that about 1 o'clock in the morning
we attended the beat of our drum, and were formed on the
parade, we were faced towards the regulars then marching up
to us, . . . [description of battle continues]

Generic Title Virginia Gazette-Norfolk (Duncan) 
Date 1775.06.15 
Publisher Holt, John H., & Co. 
City, State Norfolk, VA 
Year 1775 
Bibliography B0047811
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