Citation - Town and Country Journal: 1783.12.11

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Index Entry Assembly, in New York, subscription series announced 
Location New York 
11 Dec 1783:32 (1/14)
Dancing Assembly.
The managers request that those gentlemen who propose to
become subscribers for the season, will call at Cape's
Tavern, at any hour on Wednesday and Friday, and until three
o'clock on Saturday next, (where the regulations will be
left for their inspection) and there give in their names,
and places of residence.  The subscription paper will be
sent round by the managers on the Monday and Tuesday
following, and tickets presented.
  The First Assembly will open at the Assembly Room at six
o'clock on Thursday evening, the 18th instant.
  New-York, Dec. 9, 1783.

Generic Title Town and Country Journal 
Date 1783.12.11 
Publisher Ross, W. 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1783 
Bibliography B0047723
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