Citation - Story & Humphrey's Pennsylvania Mer: 1775.11.17

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Index Entry Drummer, in St Johns, sent with messenger to camp for parley 
Location St John's 
17 Nov 1775:23 (33)
Extract of another letter from Fort St. John's, dated
November 3, 1775. . .  Nov. 1. . . [12 lines] Major Preston
in return to Gen. Montgomery's letter, sent Captain Stuart
of the 26th, with a drum into our camp, that the General
should have a full answer to his letter in the morning --
that in the mean time hostilities should cease on both
sides. . . 

Generic Title Story & Humphrey's Pennsylvania Mer 
Date 1775.11.17 
Publisher Story & Humphreys 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1775 
Bibliography B0047715
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