Citation - Salem Gazette (Russell): 1775.01.20

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Index Entry Drummers, in Marblehead militia, pay rate established 
Location Marblehead 
20 Jan 1775:41 (1/30)
The town of Marblehead were legally convened on the 2d and
10th of Jan. instant, and unanimously voted. . . [3
Voted, that Messrs. Thomas Gerzy, Richard Harris, and Joshua
Orne . . . Each private two shillings lawful, per day, each
serjeant, clerk, drummer, and fifer, three shillings per
day, each second lieutenant, four shillings per day, first
lieutenant four shillings and eight pence, and captain six
shillings per day, provided that there be no more days
allowed in the rolls aforesaid than three to each person in
a week . . . 

Generic Title Salem Gazette (Russell) 
Date 1775.01.20 
Publisher Russell, E. 
City, State Salem, MA 
Year 1775 
Bibliography B0044280
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