Citation - Salem Gazette (Hall): 1782.01.03

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Index Entry Anthems, sung in Salem, for service of Freemasons, on St John's Day 
Location Salem 
3 Jan 1782:33 (1/12)
On Thursday last, being the anniversary of St. John the
Evangelist, the Society of Ancient, Free, and Accepted
Masons, in this town, walked in procession from Free-Mason's
Hall to St. Peter's Church; where, after an introductory
Anthem, a pertinent and pathetic charge, well adapted to the
occasion, was delivered by Major Joseph Hiller.  The
solemnity was closed with another Anthem; and the procession
then returned to the Hall, where an elegant entertainment
was provided, at which the Reverend clergy of the town, and
a number of other gentlemen were present.

Generic Title Salem Gazette (Hall) 
Date 1782.01.03 
Publisher Hall, Samuel 
City, State Salem, MA 
Year 1782 
Bibliography B0044146
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