Citation - Salem Gazette (Crouch): 1781.07.03

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Index Entry Drummers, in Fort Motte, British prisoners of war 
Location Fort Motte 
3 Jul 1781:22 (1/27)
Hartford, June 26.  Extract from General Orders. 
Headquarters, New-Windsor, 15th June, 1781.
"It is with singular pleasure the Commander in Chief
congratulates the army on the success of our arms under
Major-General Green, in South, Carolina. . . . [8 lines]
On the 12th the garrison of Fort Mott, consisting of 1
captain . . . 2 drums and fifes . . . surrendered prisoners
of war . . .

Generic Title Salem Gazette (Crouch) 
Date 1781.07.03 
Publisher Crouch, Mary, and Company 
City, State Salem, MA 
Year 1781 
Bibliography B0044126
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