Citation - South Carolina Gazette (Crouch): 1775.02.07

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Index Entry Operas, in London, to be performed gratis, at theatre to be built 
Location London 
7 Feb 1775:23 (480)
[London]. . . December 13.  A certain very great northern
potentate is to resign the crown, and to come to live in
England in less than two years; and a certain celebrated
architect has instructions to build a palace suitable for
the reception of so great a personage.  Adjoining to this
palace, which is to be raised in Oxford-road, is to be built
a very magnificent theatre, where plays and operas will be
exhibited alternately, and gratis, four times a week.  The
sums necessary for all this expense are already vested in
our funds.  The revenue to be spent by this retiring
sovereign will amount to 200, 000 L. per ann.  It is said
that a troop of horse are regularly to mount guard at the
new palace.

Generic Title South Carolina Gazette (Crouch) 
Date 1775.02.07 
Publisher Crouch, Charles 
City, State Charleston, SC 
Year 1775 
Bibliography B0045397
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