Citation - South Carolina Gazette (Crouch): 1768.01.05

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Index Entry Indians, Cherokee, chiefs to attend theatre in New York 
Location New York 
5 Jan 1768:23 (109)
New-York. . . December 14.  Friday last arrived here from
South Carolina, with Captain Schermerhorn, . . . [23 lines,
the Cherokee Indian chiefs who had been in Charleston.]
  The Chiefs having been informed, that there was a theatre
in this city, expressed a desire of seeing a play acted; and
the general has thought proper to gratify their curiosity,
and has given directions that proper places shall be got for
them in the house this evening.
  We hear, that last week, one of the stage-waggons,
crossing the ferry at Kill Vankull, in a scow, some of the
passengers seated themselves in the waggon; but in
approaching the shore the waggon was by some means
overturned into the river, by which accident two women (Mrs.
Morris, belonging to the play house, and her maid) were

Generic Title South Carolina Gazette (Crouch) 
Date 1768.01.05 
Publisher Crouch, Charles 
City, State Charleston, SC 
Year 1768 
Bibliography B0045022
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