Citation - South Carolina Gazette (Timothy): 1775.01.23

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Index Entry Fifes, for sale by Lockwood, Joshua 
Location Charleston 
23 Jan 1775:21 (2027)
Joshua Lockwood, has by the last vessels from London,
received a very large assortment of silver buckles,
jewellery, . . . [5 lines]  also violins and cases, strings,
bows, hair for ditto, tail pieces, pins and bridges,
violencello & guittar strings, flutes, & fifes.
   N.B. In order that my friends may know my shop, I have
placed at my door, a fine japanned sign. . .

Generic Title South Carolina Gazette (Timothy) 
Date 1775.01.23 
Publisher Timothy, Peter 
City, State Charleston, SC 
Year 1775 
Bibliography B0047599
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