Citation - South Carolina Gazette (Timothy): 1774.10.24

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Index Entry Abercromby, Mr, to play in benefit concert in Charleston 
Location Charleston 
24 Oct 1774:22 (2019)
By permission of the managers of the St. Coecilia Society.
For the benefit of Signora Castella, and Monsieur Van Hagen,
(lately arrived here from Europe.)
  On Thursday evening the 27th of October instant, will be
performed at Mr. Valk's Long Room, 
a grand concert, of vocal and instrumental music.
   The vocal parts by Signora Castella, who will also
perform several airs on the harmonica or musical glasses.
   The instrumental parts, by Monsieur Van Hagen, Mr.
Abercromby, Mr. Franceschini, & others.
   The concert will begin at six o'clock precisely.
   Tickets, without which no person can be admitted, may be
had at the Coffee-House, on the Bay, Mr. Wells's, and Mr.
Calvert's, or of Sig. Castella, at Mrs. Cox's, in Tradd-
street, at one dollar each.

Generic Title South Carolina Gazette (Timothy) 
Date 1774.10.24 
Publisher Timothy, Peter 
City, State Charleston, SC 
Year 1774 
Bibliography B0047591
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