Citation - South Carolina Gazette (Timothy): 1774.02.14

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Index Entry Abercrombie, Mr, to play violin in concert 
Location Charleston 
14 Feb 1774:23 (1988 Supplement)
Mr. Valton's Concert of Vocal and Instrumental Musick will
be performed on Tuesday the 15th of February, at Mr. Pike's
New Assembly Room.
The Vocal Parts by Miss Hallam, Miss Storer, Miss
Wainwright, and Mr. Woolls;
A Concerto on the Harpsichord by one of Mr. Valton's pupils.
And, a solo on the Violin by Mr. Abercrombie.
Tickets to admit a gentleman and two ladies at Five Pounds,
and single tickets, at Two Dollars, may be had from any of
the managers of the St. Caecilia Concert, At Mrs. Steven's
Coffee-House, and at Mr. Calvert's in Church-Street.
The doors will be open at five, and the Concert begin
precisely at six o'clock in the evening.

Generic Title South Carolina Gazette (Timothy) 
Date 1774.02.14 
Publisher Timothy, Peter 
City, State Charleston, SC 
Year 1774 
Bibliography B0047560
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