Citation - South Carolina Gazette (Timothy): 1773.07.05

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Index Entry Assembly room, in Charleston, built by Pike, Thomas, 40 x 80 feet, for sale 
Location Charleston 
5 Jul 1773:13 (1959)
On Wednesday the 18th of August next, will be sold. for the
benefit of the creditors of Mr. Thomas Pike, all his estate
and effects, consisting of household furniture, two valuable
Negroes, and two horses; also the valuable lot on which he
now resides, which is about 50 feet front and upwards, and
244 feet deep, with all the buildings thereon, viz. a
convenient tenement in front, which letts for 200l. per
annum; a good and convenient house, which may be lett for
500l. per ann. and the spacious building lately erected,
which has an Assembly Room 40 feet by 80 feet, two drawing
rooms, and a kitchen of 40 feet by 20, the lower part of
which would make very large and valuable store; this
building is subject to an incumbrance of a night, for the
subscribers to use it once a week, for four years to come.
The sale of the furniture, &c. will begin at nine o'clock,
and the lot and buildings at twelve. The conditions to be
made known at the time.
All persons indebted to the said Mr. Pike, are desired to
pay their respective debts immediately, to Mr. Jacob Valk,
who we have duly authorised to receive the same; to whom
likewise all those Mr. Pike may be indebted, are desired to
deliver in their accounts.
Robert Smith, Philip Hawkins, Assignees

Generic Title South Carolina Gazette (Timothy) 
Date 1773.07.05 
Publisher Powell, T., & Co. 
City, State Charleston, SC 
Year 1773 
Bibliography B0047527
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