Citation - South Carolina Gazette (Timothy): 1770.05.31

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Index Entry Dancing, in Charleston, taught at Duneau's boarding school 
Location Charleston 
31 May 1770:43 (1808)
A boarding school, for the education of young ladies, will
be opened the approaching Whitmonday, at the house opposite
the Rev. Mr. Cooper's in New Church-Street, by Mrs. Duneau,
a gentlewoman come from England, who has brought up many
ladies of rank and distinction, having herself kept one of
the genteelest boarding-schools about London.
   Teaches the French and English languages grammatically--
geography--history--and many instructing amusements to
improve the mind--with all sorts of fashionable needle
work.--Proper masters will attend the young ladies for their
dancing, music, and drawing; writing and arithmetic.
   Agreeable indulgence will be allowed for the amusement
and encouragement of the young ladies.--Mrs. Duneau will be
much obliged to the gentlemen and ladies, who please to
favour her with the care of their daughters education; and
has the honour to subscribe herself, their most obedient
humble servant, [signed] Elizabeth Duneau.

Generic Title South Carolina Gazette (Timothy) 
Date 1770.05.31 
Publisher Timothy, Peter 
City, State Charleston, SC 
Year 1770 
Bibliography B0047369
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