Citation - South Carolina Gazette (Timothy): 1768.09.12

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Index Entry Jig, metaphor of coercion to action, in political essay 
Location Charleston 
12 Sep 1768:11 (34/1719)
Whereas a very evil disposed person has lately, in the most
public manner, made such a violent attack upon my waist, as
has given a great shock to my virgin modesty, hitherto
unimpeached;. . .
The man must be possess'd, or at least led on by the
instigation of the Devil. 
. . . I have consulted my grave lawyers knowing in the laws
of the land, and my beloved merchants, who know their
interests as well as my own: They have declared, that an
attempt of altering the wares is of a most flagitious
nature, and big with impeding ruin, as it may be carried on
to things of infinite consequence: That Charleston [N.B.
spelling] is so nearly allied to Charles'Tone or Tune, that
they are afraid I made be made an instrument of, for the
playing a jig to which they will not dance;
. . . [Article continues castigation of some un-named
[signed] Lady Charles-Town, 
Plenigo for the Province.

Generic Title South Carolina Gazette (Timothy) 
Date 1768.09.12 
Publisher Timothy, Peter 
City, State Charleston, SC 
Year 1768 
Bibliography B0047272
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