Citation - South Carolina Gazette (Timothy): 1763.01.08

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Index Entry Grunzweig, Frederick, music master, opens school in Charleston, for tuning 
Location Charleston 
1-8 Jan 1763:43 (1486)
Frederick Grunzweig, 
Being removed from the house he lately lived in, to Mr.
Nathaniel Scott's house, the upper end of Broad-Street,
almost opposite to Mrs. Simpson's boarding-school; he
intends, after the holidays, to open an afternoon school at
said house, to teach those who are inclined to tune their
instruments. As the same is in general very necessary, and
will tend greatly to the benefit of those, especially who
play on the harpsichord or spinnet, so he hopes to meet with
encouragement sufficient to pursue his intention.
As he has very good conveniency, he would be glad of five or
six boys as boarders.
N.B. Wires for harpsichords, spinnets and guitars as usual.

Generic Title South Carolina Gazette (Timothy) 
Date 1763.01.08 
Publisher Timothy, Peter 
City, State Charleston, SC 
Year 1763 
Bibliography B0047036
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