Citation - South Carolina Gazette (Timothy): 1747.10.05

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Index Entry Bell ringer, runaway Negro named Tom 
Location Charleston 
28 Sep-5 Oct 1747:41 (703)
Run away last night from the subscriber, a Negro man named
Tom, very well known by almost every one in Charles-town,
being used to attend and chime the bells of St. Philip's
Church; and a Negro woman named Isabella, formerly purchased
of Mr. John Daniel deceased;  they are supposed to be
lurking about this town.  Any one securing them either in
Goal or at the work-house, shall have 3 L. reward for
either, or 5 L. for both, but whoever harbours or entertains
them shall be prosecuted, by Stephen Hartley.  20th Sept.

Generic Title South Carolina Gazette (Timothy) 
Date 1747.10.05 
Publisher Timothy, Peter 
City, State Charleston, SC 
Year 1747 
Bibliography B0046297
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