Citation - South Carolina Gazette (Timothy): 1740.01.19

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Index Entry Balls, in Charleston, essay against recent advertisements for 
Location Charleston 
12-19 Jan 1740:11, 12 (308)
South-Carolina, Charlestown, December 22, 1739.
Monstrum Horrendum!
Cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet, and
shew my people their transgression.  Isaiah.
  When I first saw the publick advertisement of a ball, and
considered the present face and scituation of things, it
touch'd all the springs of uneasiness, and made me discharge
my soul in a most solemn interjection; Good God, said I,
what can the advertiser mean!  To make stoicks and epicures
of us?  Does he imagine us lost to all sense of misery, and
reverence of a deity!  Is the small-pox, is the fatal fever,
is the sword, &c. so soon forgot!  Or if we are call'd upon
to praise God for our distinguishing deliverance, can it
only be done in the dance!  Must it be done in the Theatre,
before the church. . . 

Generic Title South Carolina Gazette (Timothy) 
Date 1740.01.19 
Publisher Timothy, Peter 
City, State Charleston, SC 
Year 1740 
Bibliography B0045903
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