Citation - South Carolina & Amer Genl Gazette: 1774.05.13

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Index Entry Clarinet reeds, for sale by Wells, Robert 
Location Charleston 
6-13 May 1774:3 (17/817 Supplement)
This day is published, printed on a fine paper, neatly done
up and interleaved for the pocket; Price: in blue, &c. 20
s.; in red leather with pockets and string, &c. 25s. 
Wells's Register:  together with an Almanack. . . [At the
bottom of page 3 of this advertisement is the following:] 
Musical instruments, viz. violins from 5l to 60l. Forte-
Pianoes; Guittars from 30l. to 65l. German flutes of ivory,
ebony, box &c. by the best makers; English flutes of all
kinds; flageolets, pipes, and tabors; French horns, fifes,
pitch pipes, hautboy and clarinet reeds, &c.  Compleat sets
of strings for guittars, harpsichords, and violins and
violincellos; guittar and harpsichord wire; best Roman
fiddle strings; spare bows for violins and violincelloes;
rosin in boxes; hair for bows; spare bridges and pegs for
violins; crow quills; paper and books of all kinds ruled for
musick.  A very large sortment of musick for almost every
instrument now made, with books of instruction  for them
all.  Several thousands of the best songs set to musick. . .
The publick, to whom his warmest and most grateful
acknowledgments are offered, may be assured that no person
either can or shall underwork or undersell him in any branch
of his business.

Generic Title South Carolina & Amer Genl Gazette 
Date 1774.05.13 
Publisher Wells, Robert 
City, State Charleston, SC 
Year 1774 
Bibliography B0044614
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