Citation - South Carolina & Amer Genl Gazette: 1771.06.24

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Index Entry Fiddle strings, for sale by Wells, Robert, also bows, bridges 
Location Charleston 
17-24 Jun 1771:31, 32 (14/662)
Imported, for sale, in the last vessels from London, by
Robert Wells, at the Great Stationary and Book Store [There
follow approximately 1 and 2/3 columns of books and other
items for sale including these musical articles in the
following setting:]  Writing books and copy books of all
sorts.  Violins, guittars, German and English flutes, fiddle
and guittar strings, fiddle bows and bridges, raven and crow
quills. . .bookbinding carried on as usual in all its
various branches.

Generic Title South Carolina & Amer Genl Gazette 
Date 1771.06.24 
Publisher Wells, Robert 
City, State Charleston, SC 
Year 1771 
Bibliography B0044554
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