Citation - South Carolina & Amer Genl Gazette: 1770.12.05

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Index Entry Address to Every Body [t], to be performed by Shaghnussy, Mr 
Location Charleston 
27 Nov-5 Dec 1770:11 (13/633)
By Permission for the entertainment of all lovers of Art and
On Tuesdays and Fridays, at Mr. Hawes's, in Market-Square, 
by the celebrated Shaghnussy, & Co.will be exhibited the
following Medley of Surprising Performances, to greater
admiration than ever hitherto attempted in this part of the
  He commences with a Prologue, adapted to the performance.-
- Secondly, he seems to cause a most wonderful and
surprising production of fruit, with other exhibitions, to
appear upon a table, in the space of five moments, appearing
as natural as if they had been grown upon the trees.--
Thirdly, he devours several combustibles, in a blaze, with
as much ease as ladies drink tea.-- Fourthly, he drinks a
quantity of liquor, to drive it down, which again he
produces, in streams, from several parts of his body, to
admiration. He then proceeds to his surprising performance
with curious eggs, money, and cards, particularly causing
the cards to stick to the ceiling  of the room, or other 
convenient parts, and makes every card that is called for by
the spectators fly down at the word of command. He causes
them to rise from the table as though they were alive, and
makes them jump and fly about like so many living birds. He
changes the colour of cards from red to black, or black to
red, to the admiration of the beholders. He likewise in his
performance represents, to such as require it, the shape and
form of the person allotted for their spark or mistress; and
discovers the lady who shall happen to be first married in
the company. There will be added, by means of a magick
lanthorn, several curious moving machines, representing
ladies and gentlemen dancing Pasbies and Country Dances; and
a piece of moving machinery, representing their Majesties
King George, Queen Charlotte, and all the Royal Family. Also
a famous Italian moving landscape, representing one hundred
figures, each near six feet high, and the army going through
their exercise by the word of command; with the humours of
Dr. Faustus, and several other subjects too tedious to
enumerate. An Address to Every Body, not aimed at Any Body,
will then be humourously performed by Mr. Shaghnussy, in the
character of No Body.
  Between the several acts of the above Performance, will be
introduced the following Dances, by Mr. Godwin, viz. 
  A Hornpipe-- 
  A Comic Dance, called the Pitchfork-- 
  The Drunken Peasant; 
  Peasant, Mr. Godwin.-- Clown, incident to the Dances, by
Mr. Dawson. 
Music in the Intervals, viz. Violin, by Mr. Hyatt--- German
Flute, by Mr. Launce. The whole to conclude with an
* + * Mr. Shaghnussy, far from presuming to assert to the
public that the wonderful things by him performed are real
miracles, frankly acknowledges that they are only
ingeniously and deceptively executed; and the Consultors of
Nature, or Sons of Reason, he is well assured, expect no
other. He, however, engages that every part shall be
performed with the greatest nicety, and according to his
merits hopes for encouragement from every Philotechnus.
+ + + Tickets to be had at the place of performance; at
Messieurs Dillon's and Gray's, in Broad-Street; and at Mr.
Holliday's, on the Bay. Pitt, 1l. 11s. Gallery, 20s. 
  The doors to be open at five o'clock, and the performance
to begin at six.

Generic Title South Carolina & Amer Genl Gazette 
Date 1770.12.05 
Publisher Wells, Robert 
City, State Charleston, SC 
Year 1770 
Bibliography B0044525
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