Citation - South Carolina & Amer Genl Gazette: 1767.11.27

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Index Entry Artaxerxes [t], music, for sale by Wells, Robert 
Location Charleston 
20-27 Nov 1767:31, 32 (10/472)
Arrived from London, in the last ships, and to be sold very
cheap, by Robert Wells, at the Great Stationary and Book
Shop in Charlestown; a very large sortment of books, among
which are the following, viz. . . [There follows a list of
163 lines one column in width containing a wide variety of
books and other items including the following:] A compleat
sortment of writing and other papers, quills, and all other
stationary wares.  A neat sortment of guittars from 30l. to
60l. fiddles from 10l. to 50l. German and English flutes of
all sorts, by the most eminent makers.  Roman and common
fiddle strings; spare bows and bridges; rosin in boxes;
guittar and harpsichord strings, silver, brass and steel;
books of introduction for almost every instrument; books of
country dances, minuets, marches, and hornpipes, &c. set to
musick; the musick in Artaxerxes, The Summer's Tale, Daphne
and Amintor, &c. Shuman's, Pasquali's, and other lessons for
the guittar; Jackson's, Parry's, and other songs for ditto;
Walsh's  Airs, Organin's pocket companion; duets for French
horns or guittars, with other pieces of music.

Generic Title South Carolina & Amer Genl Gazette 
Date 1767.11.27 
Publisher Wells, Robert 
City, State Charleston, SC 
Year 1767 
Bibliography B0044372
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