Citation - Royal South Carolina Gazette: 1782.09.10

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Index Entry Drum major, in India, British casualty at Negapatam 
Location India 
10 Sep 1782:12, 13 (338)
Return of the [British casualties] in the attack of the
enemy's redoubts, and during the siege of Negapatam [India],
November 15, 1781 . . . [21 lines, including:] 13th
battalion, 1 drummer killed
Return of the troops doing duty in the garrison of
Negapatam, when besieged. . . [24 lines, including:]
European artillery: 1 drum-major, 12 fifers, 19 drummers,
157 privates. . .
Malays, . . . 1 fifer, 2 drummers, 277 privates. . .
Sepoys, 6 fifers, 12 drummers, 2442 privates. . .

Generic Title Royal South Carolina Gazette 
Date 1782.09.10 
Publisher Robertson, James 
City, State Charleston, SC 
Year 1782 
Bibliography B0044099
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