Citation - Rivington's New York Gazette: 1783.10.22

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Index Entry Psalmody, taught to students at St Paul's school 
Location New York 
22 Oct 1783:31 (738)
The Charity Sermon, which was to have been preached last
Sunday at St. Paul's Church, for the benefit of the Charity
School in this city, was postponed on account of the badness
of the weather;  but on Sunday next, weather permitting, the
Charity Sermon will be preached at St. Paul's, for that
laudable purpose.
  N.B.  The School consists of eighty-six scholars, viz.
fifty-six boys and thirty girls.  The children are
instructed in the principles of the Christian religion, and
in Psalmody;  they constantly attend Divine Service at
Church on week days, as well as Sundays, and the greatest
attention is paid to their morals.
  The boys are taught reading, writing, arithmetic, and
merchants accounts;  the girls are taught reading, writing,
arithmetic, and needle-work.  They are all annually
cloathed, supplied with fuel, furnished with books, paper,
&c . . . [24 lines]

Generic Title Rivington's New York Gazette 
Date 1783.10.22 
Publisher Rivington, James 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1783 
Bibliography B0043390
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