Citation - Rivington's New York Gazette: 1781.11.17

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Index Entry Barclay, Andrew, sells Shakespeare, Moliere, Psalters, tune and dance books 
Location New York 
17 Nov 1781:33,34 (536)
Just Imported in the last Ships from London, and to be sold
by Andrew Barclay, at Shakespeare's Head, No. 25 Queen-
Books.  Henry's Commentaries, 6 vols. folio . . . . [126
lines of books on morals, history, literature, grammar,
math, fiction, etc.]  Arabian Nights Entertainments, . . .
[3 more lines in the left list of col. 3;  4 lines in the
right hand list of col. 3]  Shakespear's Works,  . . . .[13
lines of fables and fiction] Gay's Fables . . . ..[11 lines] 
Moliere's Works.  Large English quarto Bibles, with Church
Service and Apocrypha.  Small ditto, ditto, ditto.  Otavo
ditto, ditto.  Duodecimo ditto, ditto. Quarto Prayer Books,
Octavo ditto, Minim ditto, Twenty four ditto, Thirty-two's
ditto. Testaments. Spelling Books. Psalters. Psalm Books of
various kinds.  . . . [70 lines listing books on military,
ink, rulers, penknives, shaving boxes, hair powder, pens,
combs, pencils, slates, etc.]  Music Books. Bremner's Scotch
Tunes, Songs and Reels.  Oswald's ditto, ditto.  . . . .[8
lines to finish the column] . . . [2 items in  left hand
list of col. 4]  Airs, in the Generous Imposture.  . . . 
[1 item]  H--k's Song, Duo Sonnetts, Ditto Due--? [words are
illegible] Ditto Minuets.  Dances and Canzonets.  Thompson's
collection of an hundred Tunes and Songs.  With many other
articles in books, stationary, &c. &c.

Generic Title Rivington's New York Gazette 
Date 1781.11.17 
Publisher Rivington, James 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1781 
Bibliography B0043188
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