Citation - Rivington's New York Gazette: 1779.04.07

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Index Entry Drum heads, for sale by Nutter, Valentine, batter and snare 
Location New York 
7 Apr 1779:24 (263)
Just Imported In the Mary, Capt. Wm. Stewart, from London,
and to be Sold by Valentine Nutter,
Book-Binder and Stationer, at Pope's Head, No. 924, opposite
the Coffee-House, Water-Street,
A few neat inlaid mahogany shaving and dressing boxes;
portable shaving apparatus for gentlemen of the army and
navy;  a good assortment of very neat etwee cases and pocket
books for ladies and gentlemen; cases of instruments; some
excellent German flutes, with books of instructions; good
scales and weights, manufactured by one of the best workmen
in London; first, 2d, 3d, and 4th fiddle strings; excellent
batter and snare drum heads;. . . [for the rest of col. 1
are lists of candles, pencils, writing paper]  music paper
of various sizes ruled. . . [The rest of col. 2 lists ink,
quills, pens, slates, paper]
Likewise the following Printed Books.
Quarter waggoners for the American cast, Ditto for the West-
Indies. . . [11 lines]  Quarto bibles, Octavo ditto, Quarto
and octavo common prayer books, with companions to the
altar,  Dilworth's schoolmasters assistant, Entick's
spelling dictionary, Whitenhall's Latin grammar, Ditto greek
ditto, New Testaments with clasps, Spelling books and
primers, Royal Battledors, and a variety of children's
Also A few newest Song Books, of different sorts, a few
magazines, novels, farces, &c. &c. Fine Hyson tea, sold at
said shop for twenty-eight shillings, currency, per pound.

Generic Title Rivington's New York Gazette 
Date 1779.04.07 
Publisher Rivington, James 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1779 
Bibliography B0042913
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