Citation - Rivington's New York Gazette: 1779.01.20

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Index Entry Comedy, Provok'd Husband [t], in English Theatre [t], 7th vol 
Location New York 
20 Jan 1779:33 (241) 
New-York, January 18, 1779.
The managers of the theatre having received the following
letter from S. M. take this method of communicating their
New-York, January 18, 1779.
"Having seen in one of last week's papers an advertisement
from you, signifying you wanted the comedy called The Wonder
a Woman keeps a Secret; an acquaintance of mine having this
same play in his hands, together with the four following
comedies, viz.  The Provok'd Husband, The Recruiting
Officer, the Suspicious Husband, and The Tunbridge Wells, in
one volume, being the 7th of the English Theatre, desired me
to inform you, that he'll lent you this volume upon
condition of receiving one half johannes for each play
therein contained, and a promisary note for the book,
assuring the restitution of the same within a fortnight, or
at highest three weeks time.
If you chuse to take them upon these conditions, please to
direct an answer to S. M. and leave it at the Coffee-house
in Water-street.  I am, gentlemen, your most obedient, S. M.
 To the managers of the Theatre at New-York.
P.S. From the same hand may be had, thought upon no other
conditions as those made above, and no more than one volume
at a time, the other seven volumes of the English Theatre.
The Managers of the theatre are much indebted to S. M. for
the disinterested attention he has paid to their
advertisement, and would most readily have embraced his
generous offer, had they not, the very day before, purchased
the English Theatre, compleat, for twelve piastres.

Generic Title Rivington's New York Gazette 
Date 1779.01.20 
Publisher Rivington, James 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1779 
Bibliography B0042890
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