Citation - Rivington's New York Gazette: 1779.01.09

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Index Entry Assemblies, in New York, held at Hick's Rooms 
Location New York 
9 Jan 1779:43 (238)
Public Rooms For the Army and Navy.
It is proposed that Rooms be opened every evening from 7 to
12 o'clock, those nights excepted when there is a Ball or
These Rooms to be subjected to the same regulations they
were at Philadelphia.
No private Balls to be allowed at these rooms, but by
permission of the Managers.
Each Officer of the Navy or Army, desirous of being a
member, is to subscribe two days pay.
The Adjutants of the different corps will be so good as to
send in a list of the Gentlemen's names who mean to
The gentlemen of the different departments will likewise do
the favour of sending in their names.
It is requested that these lists of names be sent in as soon
as possible to Mr. Hick, directed to the Managers of the
Public Rooms.
N.B.  No game of chance will be permitted.

Generic Title Rivington's New York Gazette 
Date 1779.01.09 
Publisher Rivington, James 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1779 
Bibliography B0042887
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