Citation - Rivington's New York Gazette: 1774.05.05

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Index Entry Bach, harpsichord sonatas, for sale by Rivington, James 
Location New York 
5 May 1774:32 (55)
James Rivington, Has received a fresh parcel of goods in the
Rosamond, Capt. Miller.
Weston's snuff, fresh and very excellent. . .   [lists
medicine, pearl powder, patent cakes for blacking shoes or
making ink, shaving boxes, brushes, etc. for 9 lines]
Musick.  Campioni's sonatas and trios, all the seven operas.
Tacet's divertiments.  Bach's harpsichord sonatas.
McGibbon's Scots tunes, New songs, dances, minuets and 
duetts, &c.  
Fifes, German Flutes, Piano Fortes, Guittars, Fiddles,
Tutors or instructions for playing on all the above
instruments.  Excellent and fresh fiddle strings, ditto for
violoncellos and guittars;
Hautboy and bassoon reeds.  Writing vellum, very fine
indeed, parchment.  Cases of mathematical instruments, at
24s., 32s. and 40s. each.

Generic Title Rivington's New York Gazette 
Date 1774.05.05 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1774 
Bibliography B0042704
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