Citation - Royal Georgia Gazette: 1781.01.18

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Index Entry Fifes, made by runaway Negro named Hercules 
Location Savannah 
18 Jan 1781:33 (99)
Ran away from the subscriber in July 1779, a Negro man named
Hercules, about 24 years of age, short and remarkably stout,
has a large mouth, speaks good English, and is very fond of
making and blowing a pipe in imitation of a fife; he had on
when he went away oznabrigs jacket and trowsers, and is well
known in and about town.  He was seen with the rebels in
October last at some of the plantations up the river, where
it is imagined he is now concealed by Negroes.  Whoever
takes him up, and delivers him at the Printing-Office, shall
have two guineas reward; and any person harbouring him, or
attempting to carry him out of the province, will be
prosecuted with the utmost vigour of the law by [signed]
James Johnston.
If he comes home he shall be forgiven.

Generic Title Royal Georgia Gazette 
Date 1781.01.18 
Publisher Johnston, James 
City, State Savannah, GA 
Year 1781 
Bibliography B0043985
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