Citation - Royal Georgia Gazette: 1779.12.09

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Index Entry Anticipation [t], for sale by McLachlan, Colin 
Location Savannah 
9 Dec 1779:[23] (41)
Colin McLachlan has for sale at the store lately occupied by
[   ] Mr. William Duguid, in Johnson's [   ] and next door
to Mr. Fatio's, the [under]mentioned articles, for cash, or
such other [   ] as may be agreed to: . . . [list 27 lines
long, 2 items per list, of things for sale] quills, wax,
inkpowder, and slates; Anticipation, a late production; The
Duenna, a comick opera; Keppel's trial; fine smoking
tobacco. . . N.B. He begs the favour of those who owe him
for dealings here or elsewhere, to pay as soon as their
convenience will possibly admit, that he may be enabled to
discharge any demands against him and carry on business to
his and the satisfaction of those wellwishers who render him
their orders.

Generic Title Royal Georgia Gazette 
Date 1779.12.09 
Publisher Johnston, James 
City, State Savannah, GA 
Year 1779 
Bibliography B0043967
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