Citation - Royal Gazette-Charleston: 1782.08.03

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Index Entry Band of music, in Charleston, to play every Wednesday in garden 
Location Charleston 
31 Jul-3 Aug 1782:12 (2/149)
Charles-Frederick Smith, Confectioner, begs leave to inform
his friends, and the publick in general, 
That he has taken that large and convenient house in
Meeting-Street, No. 110, . . . where he intends following in
business; and also purposes providing Private Entertainment,
either Dinners or Suppers, to any number of gentlemen who
may chuse to bespeak them, . . . 
Having a large garden, he intends (for the Amusement of his
good customers) to have a Band of Musick every Wednesday
evening, to begin at seven and continue until eleven; during
which, and at every other time, ladies and gentlemen may be
furnished with Coffee, Tea, and other refreshments, with
every kind of liquors, at the most reasonable rates.

Generic Title Royal Gazette-Charleston 
Date 1782.08.03 
Publisher Wells, R 
City, State Charleston, SC 
Year 1782 
Bibliography B0043957
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