Citation - Royal Gazette-Charleston: 1782.06.15

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Index Entry Morris's Volunteers [t], company objects to insult in lyrics 
Location Charleston 
12-15 Jun 1782:11 (2/135)
A Card:  A number of gentlemen of Captain Morris's Company
present their compliments to the Editors of the Royal
Gazette, and request the may be informed, who it was that
sent them for publication, the Song, which appeared in their
last paper, entitled, "Morris's Volunteers;" as they have
reason to believe, it was not sent as a compliment to their
Company, but, on the contrary, as an insult.
Charlestown, June 15th, 1782.  In answer to the above Card,
the Editors have to assure the gentlemen who sent it, that
they are entirely ignorant of the author of the Song they
mention, as they received it enclosed in a note, having no
other signature than the letter C. They also take this
opportunity of declaring, that when they gave it a place in
their paper, it was under the belief of its being written by
one of their own Company. who wished, by that means, to do
justice to the merit of his friends; and had they conceived
it would have given the smallest offence, they certainly
would never have inserted it.

Generic Title Royal Gazette-Charleston 
Date 1782.06.15 
Publisher Wells, R 
City, State Charleston, SC 
Year 1782 
Bibliography B0043943
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