Citation - Royal American Gazette: 1783.05.29

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Index Entry Ball, in Dublin, given by Knights of St Patrick 
Location Dublin 
29 May 1783:23 (9/586)
Dublin, March 20. Last Tuesday night there was a ball and
supper given at the Rotunda, by the illustrious Knights of
St. Patrick, which, for splendor and magnificence, exceeded
any thing of the kind ever given in this kingdom.  About ten
o'clock his Grace the Duke of Leinster, and the Countess of
Temple, opened the ball, and at one the whole company,
amounting to above eight hundred, sat down to supper, which
consisted of every delicacy that art could produce.  At
three the Lord-Lieutenant and Countess of Temple withdrew,
but the dancing continued till seven, and it was nine
o'clock yesterday morning before the rooms were entirely
cleared. The Knights wore their stars and ribbands; the
dresses, which were all of Irish manufacture, were extremely
rich, and might challenge the world for elegance and
splendor. . .

Generic Title Royal American Gazette 
Date 1783.05.29 
Publisher Robertsons, Mills and Hicks 
City, State New York, PA 
Year 1783 
Bibliography B0043800
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