Citation - Royal American Gazette: 1781.07.10

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Index Entry Band of music, Loyal Volunteers, in New York, played God Save the King [t] 
Location New York 
10 Jul 1781:31 (7/389)
On Monday the 2d instant, the battalion of Loyal Volunteers
of the city of New-York, commanded by his Excellency
Lieutenant General Robertson, paraded in the Broad-way, at
five in the morning, at six they moved to Water-street,
where they drew up facing the house of our worthy
magistrate, David Mathews, Esq; their Lieutenant-Colonel,
who (after the battalion had presented their arms, a band of
music, playing, God save the King, and the officers drawn up
in three ranks, in front of the centre of the battalion)
presented to the corps a pair of elegant colours, a
compliment from Lieutenant-General Robertson, as a testimony
of his Excellency's approbation of their conduct, loyalty
and spirited resolution, in forming themselves into a select
body for the defence of this city.  They then proceeded to
the ground of exercise above the ship yards, and after a
very short field day, particularly calculated for immediate
service, the whole marched back to the fields nigh St.
Paul's Church, and lodged their colours escorted by two
light infantry companies, music, etc. etc. at Lieutenant-
Colonel Mathews's house.  The whole present under arms
amounted to 322, officers included; they made an elegant
appearance, being a fine body of men, dressed in uniform.

Generic Title Royal American Gazette 
Date 1781.07.10 
Publisher Robertson, Alexander 
City, State New York, PA 
Year 1781 
Bibliography B0043759
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