Citation - Royal American Gazette: 1781.07.05

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Index Entry Ball, in Herenhausen, attended by Bishop of Osnaburgh after concert 
Location Herenhausen 
5 Jul 1781:22,23 (7/388)
London.  His Royal Highness the Bishop of Osnaburgh, during
his residence at Herenhausen, has spent his time in a manner
that does honour to his understanding and his heart. . . .
[18 lines] At one o'clock has a levee thrice a week, and
dines at four; and these evenings are spent at a concert,
and a ball after it.  His royal Highness is much admired by
all ranks of people, for the ease and condescension of his

Generic Title Royal American Gazette 
Date 1781.07.05 
Publisher Robertson, Alexander 
City, State New York, PA 
Year 1781 
Bibliography B0043758
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