Citation - Royal American Gazette: 1777.09.04

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Index Entry Drummers, in Danbury, British casualties 
Location Danbury 
4 Sep 1777:23 (34)
From the London Gazette.  Extract of a letter from the Hon.
Sir William Howe, to Lord George Germaine, dated New-York,
May 22, 1777. . .
Return of the killed, wounded, and missing of the following
corps on the 27th and 28th of April, upon the expedition
under the command of Major-General Tryon. . . 
44th ditto [regiment]. . . 1 drummer and fifer missing. . .
Prince of Wales's American Volunteers. 1 drummer and fifer
killed. . . 
Total. 1 drummer and fifer killed. . . 1 drummer and fifer
missing. . . [Signed] W. Howe.

Generic Title Royal American Gazette 
Date 1777.09.04 
Publisher Robertson, James 
City, State New York, PA 
Year 1777 
Bibliography B0043444
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