Citation - Pennsylvania Packet-Philadelphia: 1783.10.18

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Index Entry Assembly, in Philadelphia, managers chosen, list 
Location Philadelphia 
18 Oct 1783:13 (13/1609)
* * * At a meeting of the subscribers to the Dancing
Assembly, at the Coffee-House on Wednesday last, at 12
o'clock, for the purpose of choosing new Managers, and a
Treasurer for the ensuing season, the following gentlemen
were unanimously elected, viz.
George Mead, Esq;
Gen. Walter Stuart,
Col. Thomas Moore, Managers
Jn. Moylan, Esq;
John Patton, Esq; Traesurer [= Treasurer]

Generic Title Pennsylvania Packet-Philadelphia 
Date 1783.10.18 
Publisher Claypoole, David C. 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1783 
Bibliography B0041071
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