Citation - Portsmouth Mercury: 1765.11.11

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Index Entry Music, in Portsmouth, in procession, for Stamp Act 
Location Portsmouth 
11 Nov 1765:21,22 (1/43) 
Boston, Nov 7. . . [Description of pageant of hanging effigy
from Tree of Liberty on Nov 1, day of beginning of Stamp
Act] This had long been the custom in this town on the first
of November for numbers of persons to exhibit on stages some
pageantry denoting their abhorrence of Popery and the horrid
plot which was to have been executed on that day in the year
1605; there shews of late years have been continued in the
evening . . . 
  The leaders, M. McIntosh from the south, and Mr. Swift
from the north, appeared in military habits, with small
canes resting on their left arms, having musick in front and
flank. . .

Generic Title Portsmouth Mercury 
Date 1765.11.11 
Publisher Furber & Russell 
City, State Portsmouth, NH 
Year 1765 
Bibliography B0041554
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