Citation - Pennsylvania Journal: 1783.10.08

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Index Entry Ballads, for sale by Bradford, Thomas 
Location Philadelphia 
8 Oct 1783:12 (1632 Supplement) 
Just imported, and to be sold by Thomas Bradford, at his
book store, in Front-street, the third door below the
Coffee-house, a variety of books, amongst which are the
following, viz. . . [2 narrow columns in one column,
including the following items:
Several volumes of select tragedies, 5 in a book, neatly
Ditto comedies, five in each book.
Ditto operas, 5 in each book.
Ditto farces, 10 in each book. . . 
Watts's Psalms, 
--- Hymns.
Hymns and Psalms bound together
Doddridges Rise and Progress.
-- Hymns. . . 
Gospel Sonnets.
Henry's Psalms. . . 
Death of Abel
Whitefield's Hymns. . . 
Ballads well assorted.
Plays and farces.
Also, a variety of stationary.
Primers. . .

Generic Title Pennsylvania Journal 
Date 1783.10.08 
Publisher Bradford, Thomas 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1783 
Bibliography B0039762
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