Citation - Pennsylvania Journal: 1783.10.01

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Index Entry Fiddle strings, for sale by Harrison, Mr, Roman 
Location Philadelphia 
1 Oct 1783:23 (1630) 
Musical Instruments.
Mr Harrison, from London, begs leave to inform the ladies
and gentlemen of this metropolis, that he intends opening on
Wednesday the 1st of October, a ware-house at the United
States Arms, in Front-Street, near Chestnut-Street, where
ladies and gentlemen may be supplied with choice musical
instruments from the real maker, and in the present taste. 
He flatters himself that a trial of his instruments will be
productive of gaining him the approbation of the nobility
and public in general.  Violins, Guitars, &c. repaired on
the shortest notice, and on the most reasonable terms.
N.B. Best Roman Fiddle Strings and Musical Wire, sold at the
London price.

Generic Title Pennsylvania Journal 
Date 1783.10.01 
Publisher Bradford, Thomas 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1783 
Bibliography B0039760
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