Citation - Pennsylvania Journal: 1779.11.10

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Index Entry Quesnay de Glouvay, Alexandre, to open French academy 
Location Philadelphia 
10 Nov 1779:41 (1313) 
To the Public.  On Tuesday evening next, at six o'clock,
will be opened an accademy in Front-street, (and not in
Strawberry-Alley as was at first advertised) . . . for the
instruction of youth in the French languages, &c.  The
public may be assured, that the greatest attention will be
paid to the regularity and decorum of the accademy.  It will
be open every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday evenings, . . .
[signed] Alexandre Quesnay de Glouvay.

Generic Title Pennsylvania Journal 
Date 1779.11.10 
Publisher Bradford, Thomas 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1779 
Bibliography B0039437
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