Citation - Pennsylvania Journal: 1779.07.21

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Index Entry Dan, runaway Negro, plays fiddle 
Location Lancaster 
21 Jul 1779:42 (1297) 
Lancaster, June 21, 1779.  Fifty dollars reward.  Ran away
from the subscriber last evening, the 20th instant, a Negro
man, named Dan, about 24 years of age, 5 feet 4 or 5 inches
high, much pitted with the small pox: his dress, when he
went off, is uncertain, as he took sundry cloaths with him,
amongst which are. . . [4 lines]  Said Negro is fond of
playing the fiddle, and has a good deal of money with him,
which he acquired that way; no doubt he will be particular
in changing his dress, and endeavour to pass a freeman. 
Whoever takes up and secures said slave in any goal, so that
his master may have him again, shall have the above reward,
and if delivered to me in Lancader [sic], one hundred
dollars. [signed] Christian Wirtz.
N.B. A white man is in company with said Negro, for which
there is a reward offered.

Generic Title Pennsylvania Journal 
Date 1779.07.21 
Publisher Bradford, Thomas 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1779 
Bibliography B0039421
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