Citation - Pennsylvania Journal: 1779.03.31

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Index Entry Drummer, in Rhode Island, British casualty 
Location Rhode Island 
31 Mar 1779:21 (1282)
Return of the killed and wounded and missing, of the troops
under the command of Major-General Sir Robert Pigot, Rhode-
Island, August 29, 1778. . . . 
Flank companies, 38 h. 54.  1 serjeant killed; 1 lieutenant,
1 sargeant, 1 drummer . . . wounded . . . 
Total. . . . 1 drummer . . . wounded . . . [signed] R.

Generic Title Pennsylvania Journal 
Date 1779.03.31 
Publisher Bradford, Thomas 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1779 
Bibliography B0039406
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